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A new theory for the theory of change (or how an M&E tool can capture the broader change we want)

tools Sep 09, 2021

M&E in strict service of the project: no one is asking for more

Until recently, I had always thought of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) as being strictly in service to the project to which it was being applied. That seemed to make perfect sense. After all, what is applied M&E if not the measurement, management, and maximization of a specific project’s results? As such, M&E activities would obviously be focused on that project, serving its particular M&E needs. … [read the rest of the article on LinkedIn Pulse here]

(Citation: Shejavali, K. (2021, June 2). A new theory for the theory of change (or how an M&E tool can capture the broader change we want to see). LinkedIn Pulse.

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